Wear is She Wednesday: Ana Paula
When Ana Paula isn't putting together fabulous outfits, she spends her time directing music videos and making jewelry with her mom for the Instagram account @forelena.co, a brand focused on simplicity and sustainability. Their main goal is to let their love of making things shine which is why they keep their social media low maintenance, but you can shop their designs or order customs directly though Instagram.
Multi-passionate Ana doesn't reserve her creativity for jewelry making alone though. While Ana has explored many different career paths, nothing makes her as happy as directing and it's her dream to one day be signed to an agency. According to her, cinema helped Ana and her family assimilate to American culture and has become a major part of her identity. You can explore Ana's directing work on the instagram account @moremilieu and get to know more of the woman behind so much creativity below.
Hi Ana, Please introduce your wonderful self.
My name is Ana Paula, but I go by just Ana. My mom's name is Adria Elena and I opened the @forelena.co account to show off her jewelry! Because if there is one thing parents are bad at it's social media (lol).
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style changes per environment, but I would describe it as obscure yet adaptable. I don't try to fit a niche, I love exploring them all and picking up trends from each. I love mixing colors that don't go, finding insane patterns that are rare and difficult to replicate. I love combining them even if it doesn't look right to most, if it feels right to me I'm happy and can confidently express myself in any setting.
Who or what are your current biggest style inspirations?
When I was younger I would come out in some pretty ridiculous outfits and my mom would tell me I looked incredible. Kids need that, you know? My mom is the reason I am open to expressing myself and to date she's my biggest style inspiration. People will compliment my bags and shoes, and my favorite response is 'It was my mom's in the 90s!'
"Discovery is the driving force in my personal style."
How did you discover your personal style or are you still discovering it?
I'm still discovering it for sure, and that's also what I find fascinating about my identity is it never stops evolving. Discovery is the driving force in my personal style.
What's on your thrift list right now?
I need to go find more jewelry to reconstruct!
What's your go to midnight snack?
So gross but I love salami, wish I could wrap myself in one and eat it as I sleep.
And the bonus question I like to ask everyone before they go: What's something you're really proud of right now?
At the moment I'm proud of [doing this interview] and to have reached someone interested in learning about what my mom and I do.
Where else can we find you ANA?
My personal is @anaperaltachong which is more on the creative front! I love directing music videos!